Makta Pond <>

LinkedIn Has A Particular Flavor To It - One That Is Nasty [ Jennifer Litwak, Esq. DFCP - Executive Director at Housing on Merit ]
3 messages

Real Up Human [.net] <>Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 11:21 PM
To: Maybe Maybe - There Is Reasoning Here -- I Dout It -- You Are Just Like The Rest --- Hypricrites! <>
Cc: Bill Hirsh <>,, "Michael [ ] Vernon Gause" <>, "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <>, San Bernardino County District#5 Supervisor #LeaderInChargeOfSanityOverHate' Gonzales <>, Help Me Please -- I am in Systemic County Wide Policies of Hate <>
Bcc: "Timothy @RealUpHuman Kyle Ashley" <>
Screenshot 2020-04-09 at 4.19.33 PM - Display 1.png<mgas

No matter what technology tool we use in our modern informational empowered society - the tool of [ computing and moral responsibility ] should not go against our basic human needs to a platform that creates an obvious interference - unnecessary and intentionally punitive technology result. In a paper addressed in 1998 called TechnREALism, the manner that what you see above is harmful is addressed. The file attachments called Blink Archive Format [ *.mhml ] captures the true working way of effort in what I know I spent trying to relate some rational thinking over and above this fleeting moment of immediate dismissal misguided status quo - shoo fly don't bother me sufferance to the collective trust [ #SocialTrust : 💣] that such an action generates of the hate that is made in its wake.


1. Technologies are not neutral.
A great misconception of our time is the idea that technologies are completely free of bias -- that because they are inanimate artifacts, they don't promote certain kinds of behaviors over others. In truth, technologies come loaded with both intended and unintended social, political, and economic leanings. Every tool provides its users with a particular manner of seeing the world and specific ways of interacting with others. It is important for each of us to consider the biases of various technologies and to seek out those that reflect our values and aspirations.

3. Government has an important role to play on the electronic frontier.
Contrary to some claims, cyberspace is not formally a place or jurisdiction separate from Earth. While governments should respect the rules and customs that have arisen in cyberspace, and should not stifle this new world with inefficient regulation or censorship, it is foolish to say that the public has no sovereignty over what an errant citizen or fraudulent corporation does online. As the representative of the people and the guardian of democratic values, the state has the right and responsibility to help integrate cyberspace and conventional society.

8. Understanding technology should be an essential component of global citizenship.
In a world driven by the flow of information, the interfaces -- and the underlying code -- that make information visible are becoming enormously powerful social forces. Understanding their strengths and limitations, and even participating in the creation of better tools, should be an important part of being an involved citizen. These tools affect our lives as much as laws do, and we should subject them to a similar democratic scrutiny.

This page reflecting my side situational static presence on LinkedIn Mail has some rather interesting plays.  A game to you all is what you think this is of life.

Somehow, even that the app that is installed on my phone says call recording "active/on" - The recording made between the parties involved here did not stick to a digital recall presence.

Rest Assured, The Call Happened.

(619) 573-6785

Initiated a voice call to somehow give a human with less than solid morality, not that I am judging, that this human on this side being submitted to a paradox.
For the explanation given, I do not completely buy into its story told reasoning.

On LinkedIn, a member by the quite interesting id specified as "Makta Pond", hits a human in a sideways slant ---the uniqueness of its creation -- intentionally named.
Names are names and I know that.  This one is not a human name but a name for something technically created. -- An Ideal, A Concept, A Memetics Presence.

The Executive Director of a mission work housing assistance presence on LinkedIn --- just pressed "Accept" Connection - without looking, reading, and seeing.
I know that what I have done here is caught you off guard.  You will not admit it.  No, you won't see the flaw here --- to have created and continue something deceptive.

A dismissal once more [ you might want to reflect on the positions of my next text submission into the record -- gone to this bias of oblivion -- blocked for no good reason,
in the element that I don't buy your reasoning. [ but it was made on a call recording that was lost ].

For these truths are self-evident -- these conditions of oppressive forces written -- 
You all are just slaves to your predictability.  
There is an emoji for that did you know?  ðŸ”®

A future expression of a voice conversation, that the human who did this action does not carry [ hold and bind ] connections to people who she does not know.

Ok lets go with that flow for this moment.

Note -- really note -- the address bar in this image


Note this is a local copy of this file -- and its referenced folder organized filing.

3 mutual connections --- I wonder if I should ask them --- [ I won't -- for the condition here in place is self-evident ]

do you know Jennifer Litak in a manner of actual interpersonal relations?

Seriously - we have all lots ourselves in detachment rather than connection humanity.

She knows all of these 500+ connections personally -- as such was the reasoning for blocking me.

So what is truly the working world professional standard here?

I will tell you something about who I am.  As I am James Martin Driskill

A story to made something different happen -- then the community hate by the leaders and directors of

social services --- to engage a completely insane illegal process of violations of my right of due-process

to be punitively placed onto locks, stocks  -- on my knees --- butt up --- face out --- to be publically 

pummeled by passerby strangers by rotten tomatoes -- hated -- chastised in the center of town,

unable to control my fate -- why I am there in the first place -- or to the harm it does onto my

public persona carrying on from that day.

The modern equalizing of such description is that I, the human writing these words, 

I am a targeted Individual of #Gangstalking.  Documented since 2005 -- not an invisible cloak -- it is self-evident.

But your Executive Director of "Housing With Merit" --- Jennifer Litwak may not know me by direct name,

by her having continued focus and passing a blacklist shunning of persons in our society.

Again the old way of hating on others among us for the differences that are not malice forces. 

Quite the contrary, I am one most benevolent soul at heart.

What I have bared witness and hate directed at me --- most would have already taken themselves away

by suicide. Because what is before you here -- is the pathway intentionally disturbed of reasoning,

The pathway I continue to ride --- an eventual evidential suicide.   A setup structure intentionally placed in my way.

All of these are techniques enabled and allowed in this culture -- to be able to hate on others, 

When Ms. Litwak encountered the first part of my communications to her, in a logical stated process,

taking there should be a fresh clean slate -- no bias -- impartial -- disinterestedness.

The action made --- By pure name matching alone ---- Housing on Merit ---

As is from my side, an adult consent thought and practices school in my LinkedIn profile,

I made the ISSUANCE of 3 merits.

So that just goes to oblivion?

She actually took out a knife and slashed through my heart - for presenting a democracy ideal.

This is not a democracy - it is an idiocracy -- I proclaim fault on your side -- not my side of attempt.

I did not create this graphic -- the graphic exists --- I am using again here.

Give the merit and demerit of democracy.jpg

This offense is valued at 4 demerits --- ISSUED IMMEDIATELY!

Swipe me away == a fly in your parade-= Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me.


THESE ACTIONS AT FIRST GLANCE DISMISSALS -- from the knowledge that the first writing

attempt to Jennifer Litwak on LinkedIn --- a connection she approved --  has hit in her mind --- a meme.

That meme tells her, based on her beliefs --  is to be avoided at all cost --- 

For what CAUSES this within her -- is for her to know --- I just know it is not right and the source of it

HATEFUL -- HARMFUL -- a condition tolerated in this country --

OF DECEPTIONS, LIES, CHEATS, and STEALS are the underlying theme here from your side.


In the voice call to Ms. Litwik today,

I relate -- "I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life"  -- In a natural state of a human progressive society,

where the majority of us around, basically of "US" [ Themed Below ] are the same.

My only truly mortal enemy in a true democracy would be -- who?  

The answer is plain to see [ it is self-evident taking the day to day -- week to week - month by month - year to year - live life journal into an account ].

The mortal enemy of my eventual suicide demise would have to be those who have to protect themselves from the truth they know they hold in secret

from getting into the public view ---  from persons that do not have a moral compass -- to not lie, to not cheat, and to not steal their way through life.


This next section are Snippets From Linkedin Inmail Part 2 --  you are blocking from your #SocialResponsibility in these regards.

To tell me --- shoo fly don't bother me.  I am begging on my human hands and knees for you to find the time and compassion to help me correct a huge mistake of social society -- an injustice of huge degrees of wrong --- and not one of you will step into the light with my human owner and walk to talk with him --- and to support him to tear down this wall of conspiracy. Meme Share 1: SOS - Is Unfriending [ or disconnecting ] on Social Media A Good Idea? ---- Can I give you 3 merits into the credit balance --- if you do the right thing here?

There Will Be Demerits To A Placement On The Web That I know No One With Sane Sense Of Rational Thinking Would Allow Themselves To Be Put Into A Position To Remain There SHINING AND GLOWING in Surface Web Indexed Visibility -- HTTP:// But There They Are -- As Each Of These People Associated To This "Intractable Conflict" Where Given Notice To Their Placement there --- Everyone Remains Silent Not Yet Listed is Bill Hirsh, Executive Director of Aids Legal Referral Panel.  The Invisibility Of This Cloak Is Not So Invisible. A Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck Mess - Unbelievable at First Show --- But Reality None The Less.

THIS IS A VALID URL -- Your Real Full Real Legal Name Will BE Included To This Character Listing -- For the public to make their own conclusion.

I am not going to coerce your assistance to help me --- the writing here ---  will be placed online public retrievable ---

you know hits you with a bell of truth -- or not.

As Plato Says It    [  Silence Gives Consent ]

Mark Twain Writes:

"The Truth Hurts - But Silence Kills"


The Voice Call That Occured Earlier --- Conclusion With Human Speaker James Martin Driskill Reading Text here.

The intention was to place it into the record of a call recording that did not get stored.

There is a place that all of this to be filed -- this is an active present defined folder 

Truly Ms. Litwak, as professional as it might seem --- your actions done against me are most unprofessional. 

You keep your true heart unknown -- for there is freedom here.  But that freedom to dismiss this challenge of your

mind here -- do you really want this to remain a filed statement of our shared legacy -- and you allow it to be there

unanswered to the defining silence calling for a response of some kind of orderly conduct.

My philosophy belief here outstanding 

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword.

It was nice talking with you --- Dialing 211, not the reference that calls your mission into action on these 

circumstances -- I am being singled out --- on discriminatory grounds -- I claim fault!

I will give you a week to respond before this writing -- with the file attachments available to open by the public [ open web presence ]

affixed onto this public record archive of this truth record placed onto the domain referenced URL.

There is no mistaken confused soul you can say you are.  You would

rather not rock the boat --- this boat needs to be turned over and sunk.  I expect your reply to be wisdom wise honest.

043-Kramobone [qr].png


There has to be a stop to this hate!




I really had high hopes that your non-profit would have had the merit to be different.

But you are not --- the likelihood for which I state it --- If not for this virus crisis holding us all  to

#StayHome, an expiration of April 1st has already passed by -- I have given up on this Country..

I would already be in New York at the United Nations -- RENOUNCING my United States of

America NATIONALITY to find a new COUNTRY that does not allow the HATERS who will never


The United Nations are listening,

Dspd Enable <>Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 9:21 AM
To: "Real Up Human [.net]" <>

Dear Mr. Driskill,

Thank you for your message and interest in the work of the United Nations for persons with disabilities. We regret to hear about this situation and know that still much needs to be done to address the rights of persons with disabilities, everywhere.

The implementation of the Convention is monitored by a group of independent experts known as the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Optional Protocol to the Convention gives the Committee competence to examine individual complaints with regard to alleged violations of the Convention by States parties to the Protocol. The Petitions Unit of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) handles all communications submitted under Optional Protocols of human rights treaty bodies. More information is available through their website, at or you may wish to write to them directly at

We look forward to a timely resolution of the situation.


Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Division for Social Policy and Development
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations
Mailing address: United Nations, S-2914, New York, NY 10017


Find out more about the work of the United Nations
for persons with disabilities:

Subscribe to the UN Enable Newsletter 



  • Makta Pond  5:05 PM

    Etiquette:   [ A text of public domain considerations - Unsigned ] Let us please take a moment, on each side of this chat conversation window exchange.  Please take your mobile device if that is what you are using right now to read these words into your mind.  Please go and sit in a quiet room alone with no other persons around.  Please do not rush this reflection upon our day. That being to place the focus of the relationship you have established to a non-living thing.    Really seriously @Bill Hirsh, Cheif Executive Officer of the AIDS Legal Referal Panel if still located in the City of San Francisco California from 2006. That back yesteryear of 2006, when the parties involved here first had created the connection and relationships which cannot just be shoo fly don't bother me away. For in all real truisms as seriously as our sunken hearts of sadness, sorry, to a possible madness worry in this panic we all have inside that we can't let out to its very possible but not probable incidence, becoming sick with an infection of something so small --- the true enemy of our moments to hours to days and beyond. That enemy that brings death and destruction across this land, this as we reflect seriously on our standings here in this chat. Is this just a fleeting moment that all will be a-ok fine tomorrow, next week, the week after that, or the months coming through as massive casualties occur beyond our direct visions eyesight?  We just turn ourselves off to the realities of what is gurgling in those over there.  They are of their emotions extreme, suffering extreme, and pain extreme, truly abound and around all around us?  Us not being the "us" of just you and I. No that is not Us", I say.  It is us, us all, all of a global expansion of everyone who is human in the sea of humanity spread across the entire planet Earth. An exception of all, think it out, to the men and women astronauts of the International Space Station. They somehow have been left out to be in a protected space. Wow, ain't that rad. Of us, who will not be here among the living, in the next hour, day, week, and months passing us from this most wretched second time now reflecting "Us" passing. Of us, more close to our mind's heartfelt holding of thought, for sure the "Us" as we are members of the citizenry of the country of The United States of America.  That is the "Us" that I speak of here.  Do you really have me individually in view of that "Us"? I know true that for the writing of words here --- I have great concern, care, and hope for "Us".  That "Us" that defines it for this chat simple-minded with hidden agendas obviously reflecting their presence. Something Wicked This Way Comes. Something Wicked This Way Done. This chat happening now of the "Us" that simply stated As just "You and Me". Will you be following as a ghost or present as being  of an etiquette... "Us".  End.



2 attachments
Jennifer Litwak, Esq., DFCP _ LinkedIn.mhtml
Jennifer Litwak, Esq., DFCP _ LinkedIn - profile.mhtml

Real Up Human [.net] <>Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 2:43 AM
To: Maybe Maybe - There Is Reasoning Here -- I Dout It -- You Are Just Like The Rest --- Hypricrites! <>
Cc: Bill Hirsh <>,, "Michael [ ] Vernon Gause" <>, "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <>, San Bernardino County District#5 Supervisor #LeaderInChargeOfSanityOverHate' Gonzales <>, Help Me Please -- I am in Systemic County Wide Policies of Hate <>

Digital Footprints of Jennifer Litwak,  A hypocrite -- to allow conditions in place here of an idiocracy?   She is no idiot.

As any human reading into this context from the outside peering into view this situation,

it might be strange to see a view of the world  -- ðŸ™ƒ of belief.  In all aspects of our lives, as something peers through to look upon us --- 

Studied International human rights at 
University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Graduated in 2009

Please Take A Break From Yourself and the Insolence that you have caused.   Turn around this game board.

Your move ---

Explain this, 

In Denver in my placement of HIV residency,'

Where I attempted to create community resources - with the community leaderships involved to be given the knowledge about what I was doing.

See Public Comments Posted Onto A Recent YouTube Release of this Network: [ below ]

I did not go into some secretive mode - doing it all underground -- hidden -- secret.  No, I did not do that.

On all levels, something worthy to have attempted as a startup project.

A Community empowerment that is very much a serious effort --- legal --- startup - still has a web presence.

An Adult Consent Thought And Practices School.  

Ms. Litwik,

You may just be the most reasonable person that I have actually come crossing paths with.

But reasonable not -- the so far misstep you have made against me and the prevaricating explanation you attempt to excuse that act away.

Please -- I have run into the same old paradigm meme - over and over again.  You have no excuse to not engage me on LinkedIn.

Lets transfer to Facebook, where it is "friends" we establish a connection from when we are not friends.

You obviously have your bias and what you believe.  I believe the freedom you choose --- has been seriously flawed to what is your 

inner self compared to your outward public digital footprint --- are conflicted.  

Why that appears conflict is because I know these materials of factors of attempting to build trust in our communities very well.

@Makta Pond I gave up on trust a Longtime ago. I only trust God and myself. No one else ! In addition, wherever we targets go, the conspiracy will follow. STAND YOUR GROUND, Makta.
Makta Pond
@edwinjones1000 I already know that as a T.I. since 2005, as registered by the internet domain, the attempt to find and settle into residency with relocations region to region, building new friends, a social calendar, etc. the dark cloud of #Gangstalking has traveled with me.
Ms. Litwik along with Mr. Hirsh, if i am forced to go to the United Nations after this virus crisis,
I will be your worst enemy --- I will not rest until this is investigated --- this shit terminates!
Do you hear me?  I cannot do my mission work what should be a natural impartial 
influence human to human --- I can not be the man I am -- in this country.
Because of a condition in place ---  a hidden working agenda -- that is
a violation of my rights.  You all have lost your minds to think this is ok.
How can you all sleep --- Don't lie to me.


I know I am just wasting my energy, emotional standing, and my time with this email.
You just trashed it --- when you got it --- as garbage.

I am blunt, unapologetic for my style, do not care to walk on eggshells for any time period to gain confidence that is falsified

and formed to start building a foundation of any purpose of any relationship on a house of cards to its eventual collapse.

The social services interface -- that I have made my attempts to reflect a real truism person living here ---

Has something wicked this way done -- has ruined my life -- in an agenda holding of beliefs that must be altered -- changed -- redirected -- returned

to a normal state -- the outside social engineering element of this --- has #HUGEFAIL -

Please do not insult my intelligence and tell me that this conspiracy I have been living does not exist.

26-Sep-2017 03:51  234K  

In Denver, within a framework where the Glassdoor Reviews for Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado AIDS Project did not appear until 2 weeks after 

I had to leave town from the eviction process and a complete wall of oppressions --- by myself -- I could not penetrate with the most outrageous acts of unprofessional 

behaviors against me throughout all of it.  So many violations of my dignity holding --- this carrying on 15 full years since my first encounter of this hate streaming at me.

I have without a doubt to a level of the preponderance of the evidence level that it is you all and not me --- at fault for this disturbance in my life.

It is more likely true than not true --- a hidden agenda working its seeds of hate underlying all of this.

I had 11-month hate, harassment, retaliation campaign of #GangStalking that targeted me, no one in the community affairs of resources would help me!

These are documented circumstances  - the documentation to which is not going to get lost.

If this leads to me walking away from my family and country holdings --- to the United Nations -- I don't come back here --- I want to initiate a world court investigation.

I guarantee you from that perspective --- this shit that you all do --- to be conflict-avoidant on this nightmare creation of your all social engineering that has gone 

extremely wrong.  

As this game board is showing my side and it is your move,

what exactly do you think I can do to follow rules of integrity, wisdom, guidance, and social norms.

I have no HIV Doctor --Terminated -- broken relationship --- because I have to inquire to the standard of care in my hometown ---

This is what happened in my very last HIV Doctor Provider Medical Session -- that I made writing documentation first on

of course, as this conspiracy holds everywhere -- the site bias is given to the doctor's side and not the reporting patient review.

This review --- which is not a violation of any kind of way --- was removed.

Of course, it was --- but as you must realize -- I keep my own filing of the record --- thank you much.

Every single source of civil society is blocking me from carrying this to an "official level" address --- or what is called my right to "legal capacity"

to form a remedy for these wrongdoings against me.    What the fuck is wrong with you all people?

After region to region collapses of my housing --- not for the cause of overdue rent. Not for causes of neighbor complaints.

No, I have a problem with building management -- they won't explain --- causing a condition of hate onslaught from #GangStalking.

This cannot service --- hidden --- and allowed to pass into the next cycle of disorderly conduct by the leaderships in powers to

do this shit to some other human being --- NO! 

You unblock my connection attempt on LinkedIn --- issue me a sincere apology for not accepting the 3 merits that I credited you,

standing in --- "freedom of expression for all" ---- you literally first flip out the cause of your action --- BLOCKED ME and my ability

to express my needs to you -- on the next text submitted through --- HOW DARE YOU MS. LITWIK --- Really --- HOW DARE YOU!

YOU REALLY HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO -- When all of this is filed for public exposure.

Really -- how rational or irrational are you going to leave this --- UNANSWERED?

You don't get to run duck and hide in this case.  With the educational study in International Human Rights ---

You are the most outrageous unprofessional act done against me in through all of these 15 years.

I don't write things I do not mean -- spill the beans.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 8:21 PM Real Up Human [.net] <> wrote:
Screenshot 2020-04-09 at 4.19.33 PM - Display 1.png<mgas

No matter what technology tool we use in our modern informational empowered society - the tool of [ computing and moral responsibility ] should not go against our basic human needs to a platform that creates an obvious interference - unnecessary and intentionally punitive technology result. In a paper addressed in 1998 called TechnREALism, the manner that what you see above is harmful is addressed. The file attachments called Blink Archive Format [ *.mhml ] captures the true working way of effort in what I know I spent trying to relate some rational thinking over and above this fleeting moment of immediate dismissal misguided status quo - shoo fly don't bother me sufferance to the collective trust [ #SocialTrust : 💣] that such an action generates of the hate that is made in its wake.


1. Technologies are not neutral.
A great misconception of our time is the idea that technologies are completely free of bias -- that because they are inanimate artifacts, they don't promote certain kinds of behaviors over others. In truth, technologies come loaded with both intended and unintended social, political, and economic leanings. Every tool provides its users with a particular manner of seeing the world and specific ways of interacting with others. It is important for each of us to consider the biases of various technologies and to seek out those that reflect our values and aspirations.

3. Government has an important role to play on the electronic frontier.
Contrary to some claims, cyberspace is not formally a place or jurisdiction separate from Earth. While governments should respect the rules and customs that have arisen in cyberspace, and should not stifle this new world with inefficient regulation or censorship, it is foolish to say that the public has no sovereignty over what an errant citizen or fraudulent corporation does online. As the representative of the people and the guardian of democratic values, the state has the right and responsibility to help integrate cyberspace and conventional society.

8. Understanding technology should be an essential component of global citizenship.
In a world driven by the flow of information, the interfaces -- and the underlying code -- that make information visible are becoming enormously powerful social forces. Understanding their strengths and limitations, and even participating in the creation of better tools, should be an important part of being an involved citizen. These tools affect our lives as much as laws do, and we should subject them to a similar democratic scrutiny.

This page reflecting my side situational static presence on LinkedIn Mail has some rather interesting plays.  A game to you all is what you think this is of life.

Somehow, even that the app that is installed on my phone says call recording "active/on" - The recording made between the parties involved here did not stick to a digital recall presence.

Rest Assured, The Call Happened.

(619) 573-6785

Initiated a voice call to somehow give a human with less than solid morality, not that I am judging, that this human on this side being submitted to a paradox.
For the explanation given, I do not completely buy into its story told reasoning.

On LinkedIn, a member by the quite interesting id specified as "Makta Pond", hits a human in a sideways slant ---the uniqueness of its creation -- intentionally named.
Names are names and I know that.  This one is not a human name but a name for something technically created. -- An Ideal, A Concept, A Memetics Presence.

The Executive Director of a mission work housing assistance presence on LinkedIn --- just pressed "Accept" Connection - without looking, reading, and seeing.
I know that what I have done here is caught you off guard.  You will not admit it.  No, you won't see the flaw here --- to have created and continue something deceptive.

A dismissal once more [ you might want to reflect on the positions of my next text submission into the record -- gone to this bias of oblivion -- blocked for no good reason,
in the element that I don't buy your reasoning. [ but it was made on a call recording that was lost ].

For these truths are self-evident -- these conditions of oppressive forces written -- 
You all are just slaves to your predictability.  
There is an emoji for that did you know?  ðŸ”®

A future expression of a voice conversation, that the human who did this action does not carry [ hold and bind ] connections to people who she does not know.

Ok lets go with that flow for this moment.

Note -- really note -- the address bar in this image


Note this is a local copy of this file -- and its referenced folder organized filing.

3 mutual connections --- I wonder if I should ask them --- [ I won't -- for the condition here in place is self-evident ]

do you know Jennifer Litak in a manner of actual interpersonal relations?

Seriously - we have all lots ourselves in detachment rather than connection humanity.

She knows all of these 500+ connections personally -- as such was the reasoning for blocking me.

So what is truly the working world professional standard here?

I will tell you something about who I am.  As I am James Martin Driskill

A story to made something different happen -- then the community hate by the leaders and directors of

social services --- to engage a completely insane illegal process of violations of my right of due-process

to be punitively placed onto locks, stocks  -- on my knees --- butt up --- face out --- to be publically 

pummeled by passerby strangers by rotten tomatoes -- hated -- chastised in the center of town,

unable to control my fate -- why I am there in the first place -- or to the harm it does onto my

public persona carrying on from that day.

The modern equalizing of such description is that I, the human writing these words, 

I am a targeted Individual of #Gangstalking.  Documented since 2005 -- not an invisible cloak -- it is self-evident.

But your Executive Director of "Housing With Merit" --- Jennifer Litwak may not know me by direct name,

by her having continued focus and passing a blacklist shunning of persons in our society.

Again the old way of hating on others among us for the differences that are not malice forces. 

Quite the contrary, I am one most benevolent soul at heart.

What I have bared witness and hate directed at me --- most would have already taken themselves away

by suicide. Because what is before you here -- is the pathway intentionally disturbed of reasoning,

The pathway I continue to ride --- an eventual evidential suicide.   A setup structure intentionally placed in my way.

All of these are techniques enabled and allowed in this culture -- to be able to hate on others, 

When Ms. Litwak encountered the first part of my communications to her, in a logical stated process,

taking there should be a fresh clean slate -- no bias -- impartial -- disinterestedness.

The action made --- By pure name matching alone ---- Housing on Merit ---

As is from my side, an adult consent thought and practices school in my LinkedIn profile,

I made the ISSUANCE of 3 merits.

So that just goes to oblivion?

She actually took out a knife and slashed through my heart - for presenting a democracy ideal.

This is not a democracy - it is an idiocracy -- I proclaim fault on your side -- not my side of attempt.

I did not create this graphic -- the graphic exists --- I am using again here.

Give the merit and demerit of democracy.jpg

This offense is valued at 4 demerits --- ISSUED IMMEDIATELY!

Swipe me away == a fly in your parade-= Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me.


THESE ACTIONS AT FIRST GLANCE DISMISSALS -- from the knowledge that the first writing

attempt to Jennifer Litwak on LinkedIn --- a connection she approved --  has hit in her mind --- a meme.

That meme tells her, based on her beliefs --  is to be avoided at all cost --- 

For what CAUSES this within her -- is for her to know --- I just know it is not right and the source of it

HATEFUL -- HARMFUL -- a condition tolerated in this country --

OF DECEPTIONS, LIES, CHEATS, and STEALS are the underlying theme here from your side.


In the voice call to Ms. Litwik today,

I relate -- "I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life"  -- In a natural state of a human progressive society,

where the majority of us around, basically of "US" [ Themed Below ] are the same.

My only truly mortal enemy in a true democracy would be -- who?  

The answer is plain to see [ it is self-evident taking the day to day -- week to week - month by month - year to year - live life journal into an account ].

The mortal enemy of my eventual suicide demise would have to be those who have to protect themselves from the truth they know they hold in secret

from getting into the public view ---  from persons that do not have a moral compass -- to not lie, to not cheat, and to not steal their way through life.


This next section are Snippets From Linkedin Inmail Part 2 --  you are blocking from your #SocialResponsibility in these regards.

To tell me --- shoo fly don't bother me.  I am begging on my human hands and knees for you to find the time and compassion to help me correct a huge mistake of social society -- an injustice of huge degrees of wrong --- and not one of you will step into the light with my human owner and walk to talk with him --- and to support him to tear down this wall of conspiracy. Meme Share 1: SOS - Is Unfriending [ or disconnecting ] on Social Media A Good Idea? ---- Can I give you 3 merits into the credit balance --- if you do the right thing here?

There Will Be Demerits To A Placement On The Web That I know No One With Sane Sense Of Rational Thinking Would Allow Themselves To Be Put Into A Position To Remain There SHINING AND GLOWING in Surface Web Indexed Visibility -- HTTP:// But There They Are -- As Each Of These People Associated To This "Intractable Conflict" Where Given Notice To Their Placement there --- Everyone Remains Silent Not Yet Listed is Bill Hirsh, Executive Director of Aids Legal Referral Panel.  The Invisibility Of This Cloak Is Not So Invisible. A Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck Mess - Unbelievable at First Show --- But Reality None The Less.

THIS IS A VALID URL -- Your Real Full Real Legal Name Will BE Included To This Character Listing -- For the public to make their own conclusion.

I am not going to coerce your assistance to help me --- the writing here ---  will be placed online public retrievable ---

you know hits you with a bell of truth -- or not.

As Plato Says It    [  Silence Gives Consent ]

Mark Twain Writes:

"The Truth Hurts - But Silence Kills"


The Voice Call That Occured Earlier --- Conclusion With Human Speaker James Martin Driskill Reading Text here.

The intention was to place it into the record of a call recording that did not get stored.

There is a place that all of this to be filed -- this is an active present defined folder 

Truly Ms. Litwak, as professional as it might seem --- your actions done against me are most unprofessional. 

You keep your true heart unknown -- for there is freedom here.  But that freedom to dismiss this challenge of your

mind here -- do you really want this to remain a filed statement of our shared legacy -- and you allow it to be there

unanswered to the defining silence calling for a response of some kind of orderly conduct.

My philosophy belief here outstanding 

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword.

It was nice talking with you --- Dialing 211, not the reference that calls your mission into action on these 

circumstances -- I am being singled out --- on discriminatory grounds -- I claim fault!

I will give you a week to respond before this writing -- with the file attachments available to open by the public [ open web presence ]

affixed onto this public record archive of this truth record placed onto the domain referenced URL.

There is no mistaken confused soul you can say you are.  You would

rather not rock the boat --- this boat needs to be turned over and sunk.  I expect your reply to be wisdom wise honest.

043-Kramobone [qr].png


There has to be a stop to this hate!




I really had high hopes that your non-profit would have had the merit to be different.

But you are not --- the likelihood for which I state it --- If not for this virus crisis holding us all  to

#StayHome, an expiration of April 1st has already passed by -- I have given up on this Country..

I would already be in New York at the United Nations -- RENOUNCING my United States of

America NATIONALITY to find a new COUNTRY that does not allow the HATERS who will never


The United Nations are listening,

Dspd Enable <>Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 9:21 AM
To: "Real Up Human [.net]" <>

Dear Mr. Driskill,

Thank you for your message and interest in the work of the United Nations for persons with disabilities. We regret to hear about this situation and know that still much needs to be done to address the rights of persons with disabilities, everywhere.

The implementation of the Convention is monitored by a group of independent experts known as the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Optional Protocol to the Convention gives the Committee competence to examine individual complaints with regard to alleged violations of the Convention by States parties to the Protocol. The Petitions Unit of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) handles all communications submitted under Optional Protocols of human rights treaty bodies. More information is available through their website, at or you may wish to write to them directly at

We look forward to a timely resolution of the situation.


Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Division for Social Policy and Development
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations
Mailing address: United Nations, S-2914, New York, NY 10017


Find out more about the work of the United Nations
for persons with disabilities:

Subscribe to the UN Enable Newsletter 



  • Makta Pond  5:05 PM

    Etiquette:   [ A text of public domain considerations - Unsigned ] Let us please take a moment, on each side of this chat conversation window exchange.  Please take your mobile device if that is what you are using right now to read these words into your mind.  Please go and sit in a quiet room alone with no other persons around.  Please do not rush this reflection upon our day. That being to place the focus of the relationship you have established to a non-living thing.    Really seriously @Bill Hirsh, Cheif Executive Officer of the AIDS Legal Referal Panel if still located in the City of San Francisco California from 2006. That back yesteryear of 2006, when the parties involved here first had created the connection and relationships which cannot just be shoo fly don't bother me away. For in all real truisms as seriously as our sunken hearts of sadness, sorry, to a possible madness worry in this panic we all have inside that we can't let out to its very possible but not probable incidence, becoming sick with an infection of something so small --- the true enemy of our moments to hours to days and beyond. That enemy that brings death and destruction across this land, this as we reflect seriously on our standings here in this chat. Is this just a fleeting moment that all will be a-ok fine tomorrow, next week, the week after that, or the months coming through as massive casualties occur beyond our direct visions eyesight?  We just turn ourselves off to the realities of what is gurgling in those over there.  They are of their emotions extreme, suffering extreme, and pain extreme, truly abound and around all around us?  Us not being the "us" of just you and I. No that is not Us", I say.  It is us, us all, all of a global expansion of everyone who is human in the sea of humanity spread across the entire planet Earth. An exception of all, think it out, to the men and women astronauts of the International Space Station. They somehow have been left out to be in a protected space. Wow, ain't that rad. Of us, who will not be here among the living, in the next hour, day, week, and months passing us from this most wretched second time now reflecting "Us" passing. Of us, more close to our mind's heartfelt holding of thought, for sure the "Us" as we are members of the citizenry of the country of The United States of America.  That is the "Us" that I speak of here.  Do you really have me individually in view of that "Us"? I know true that for the writing of words here --- I have great concern, care, and hope for "Us".  That "Us" that defines it for this chat simple-minded with hidden agendas obviously reflecting their presence. Something Wicked This Way Comes. Something Wicked This Way Done. This chat happening now of the "Us" that simply stated As just "You and Me". Will you be following as a ghost or present as being  of an etiquette... "Us".  End.



Real Up Human [.net] <>Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 3:28 AM
To: Maybe Maybe - There Is Reasoning Here -- I Dout It -- You Are Just Like The Rest --- Hypricrites! <>
Cc: Bill Hirsh <>,, "Michael [ ] Vernon Gause" <>, "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <>, San Bernardino County District#5 Supervisor #LeaderInChargeOfSanityOverHate' Gonzales <>, Help Me Please -- I am in Systemic County Wide Policies of Hate <>

I am not playing around -- with likes -- and no substance ---that you get away with no response in this email.  

Do you hear me Ms Litwik?

James M Driskill
 was live.

June 6, 2017 Â· 
For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op
Sammie Francher --- 
See Less

I thank you for liking the video -- but the like --- is only a flag -- that I have captured your attention.

You have a long way to go --- to explain yourself to be a part of the problem and not a part of the solution.

Is your block still active on LinkedIn ?

Spill the beans -- Why have all of my social services and doctor provider care --- gone to terminate me --- duck and hide

and will not engage in an honest relationship with me?   Let's not play games and pretense.

I know you know ---- spill the beans.

I remain on a pathway of the eventual evidential suicide of United States Citizen James Martin Driskill

Screenshot 2020-04-10 at 12.15.34 AM - Display 1.png

About 278,000 results (0.70 seconds) 

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 11:43 PM Real Up Human [.net] <> wrote:

Digital Footprints of Jennifer Litwak,  A hypocrite -- to allow conditions in place here of an idiocracy?   She is no idiot.

As any human reading into this context from the outside peering into view this situation,

it might be strange to see a view of the world  -- ðŸ™ƒ of belief.  In all aspects of our lives, as something peers through to look upon us --- 

Studied International human rights at 
University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Graduated in 2009

Please Take A Break From Yourself and the Insolence that you have caused.   Turn around this game board.

Your move ---

Explain this, 

In Denver in my placement of HIV residency,'

Where I attempted to create community resources - with the community leaderships involved to be given the knowledge about what I was doing.

See Public Comments Posted Onto A Recent YouTube Release of this Network: [ below ]

I did not go into some secretive mode - doing it all underground -- hidden -- secret.  No, I did not do that.

On all levels, something worthy to have attempted as a startup project.

A Community empowerment that is very much a serious effort --- legal --- startup - still has a web presence.

An Adult Consent Thought And Practices School.  

Ms. Litwik,

You may just be the most reasonable person that I have actually come crossing paths with.

But reasonable not -- the so far misstep you have made against me and the prevaricating explanation you attempt to excuse that act away.

Please -- I have run into the same old paradigm meme - over and over again.  You have no excuse to not engage me on LinkedIn.

Lets transfer to Facebook, where it is "friends" we establish a connection from when we are not friends.

You obviously have your bias and what you believe.  I believe the freedom you choose --- has been seriously flawed to what is your 

inner self compared to your outward public digital footprint --- are conflicted.  

Why that appears conflict is because I know these materials of factors of attempting to build trust in our communities very well.

@Makta Pond I gave up on trust a Longtime ago. I only trust God and myself. No one else ! In addition, wherever we targets go, the conspiracy will follow. STAND YOUR GROUND, Makta.
Makta Pond
@edwinjones1000 I already know that as a T.I. since 2005, as registered by the internet domain, the attempt to find and settle into residency with relocations region to region, building new friends, a social calendar, etc. the dark cloud of #Gangstalking has traveled with me.
Ms. Litwik along with Mr. Hirsh, if i am forced to go to the United Nations after this virus crisis,
I will be your worst enemy --- I will not rest until this is investigated --- this shit terminates!
Do you hear me?  I cannot do my mission work what should be a natural impartial 
influence human to human --- I can not be the man I am -- in this country.
Because of a condition in place ---  a hidden working agenda -- that is
a violation of my rights.  You all have lost your minds to think this is ok.
How can you all sleep --- Don't lie to me.


I know I am just wasting my energy, emotional standing, and my time with this email.
You just trashed it --- when you got it --- as garbage.

I am blunt, unapologetic for my style, do not care to walk on eggshells for any time period to gain confidence that is falsified

and formed to start building a foundation of any purpose of any relationship on a house of cards to its eventual collapse.

The social services interface -- that I have made my attempts to reflect a real truism person living here ---

Has something wicked this way done -- has ruined my life -- in an agenda holding of beliefs that must be altered -- changed -- redirected -- returned

to a normal state -- the outside social engineering element of this --- has #HUGEFAIL -

Please do not insult my intelligence and tell me that this conspiracy I have been living does not exist.

26-Sep-2017 03:51  234K  

In Denver, within a framework where the Glassdoor Reviews for Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado AIDS Project did not appear until 2 weeks after 

I had to leave town from the eviction process and a complete wall of oppressions --- by myself -- I could not penetrate with the most outrageous acts of unprofessional 

behaviors against me throughout all of it.  So many violations of my dignity holding --- this carrying on 15 full years since my first encounter of this hate streaming at me.

I have without a doubt to a level of the preponderance of the evidence level that it is you all and not me --- at fault for this disturbance in my life.

It is more likely true than not true --- a hidden agenda working its seeds of hate underlying all of this.

I had 11-month hate, harassment, retaliation campaign of #GangStalking that targeted me, no one in the community affairs of resources would help me!

These are documented circumstances  - the documentation to which is not going to get lost.

If this leads to me walking away from my family and country holdings --- to the United Nations -- I don't come back here --- I want to initiate a world court investigation.

I guarantee you from that perspective --- this shit that you all do --- to be conflict-avoidant on this nightmare creation of your all social engineering that has gone 

extremely wrong.  

As this game board is showing my side and it is your move,

what exactly do you think I can do to follow rules of integrity, wisdom, guidance, and social norms.

I have no HIV Doctor --Terminated -- broken relationship --- because I have to inquire to the standard of care in my hometown ---

This is what happened in my very last HIV Doctor Provider Medical Session -- that I made writing documentation first on

of course, as this conspiracy holds everywhere -- the site bias is given to the doctor's side and not the reporting patient review.

This review --- which is not a violation of any kind of way --- was removed.

Of course, it was --- but as you must realize -- I keep my own filing of the record --- thank you much.

Every single source of civil society is blocking me from carrying this to an "official level" address --- or what is called my right to "legal capacity"

to form a remedy for these wrongdoings against me.    What the fuck is wrong with you all people?

After region to region collapses of my housing --- not for the cause of overdue rent. Not for causes of neighbor complaints.

No, I have a problem with building management -- they won't explain --- causing a condition of hate onslaught from #GangStalking.

This cannot service --- hidden --- and allowed to pass into the next cycle of disorderly conduct by the leaderships in powers to

do this shit to some other human being --- NO! 

You unblock my connection attempt on LinkedIn --- issue me a sincere apology for not accepting the 3 merits that I credited you,

standing in --- "freedom of expression for all" ---- you literally first flip out the cause of your action --- BLOCKED ME and my ability

to express my needs to you -- on the next text submitted through --- HOW DARE YOU MS. LITWIK --- Really --- HOW DARE YOU!

YOU REALLY HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO -- When all of this is filed for public exposure.

Really -- how rational or irrational are you going to leave this --- UNANSWERED?

You don't get to run duck and hide in this case.  With the educational study in International Human Rights ---

You are the most outrageous unprofessional act done against me in through all of these 15 years.

I don't write things I do not mean -- spill the beans.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 8:21 PM Real Up Human [.net] <> wrote:
Screenshot 2020-04-09 at 4.19.33 PM - Display 1.png<mgas

No matter what technology tool we use in our modern informational empowered society - the tool of [ computing and moral responsibility ] should not go against our basic human needs to a platform that creates an obvious interference - unnecessary and intentionally punitive technology result. In a paper addressed in 1998 called TechnREALism, the manner that what you see above is harmful is addressed. The file attachments called Blink Archive Format [ *.mhml ] captures the true working way of effort in what I know I spent trying to relate some rational thinking over and above this fleeting moment of immediate dismissal misguided status quo - shoo fly don't bother me sufferance to the collective trust [ #SocialTrust : 💣] that such an action generates of the hate that is made in its wake.


1. Technologies are not neutral.
A great misconception of our time is the idea that technologies are completely free of bias -- that because they are inanimate artifacts, they don't promote certain kinds of behaviors over others. In truth, technologies come loaded with both intended and unintended social, political, and economic leanings. Every tool provides its users with a particular manner of seeing the world and specific ways of interacting with others. It is important for each of us to consider the biases of various technologies and to seek out those that reflect our values and aspirations.

3. Government has an important role to play on the electronic frontier.
Contrary to some claims, cyberspace is not formally a place or jurisdiction separate from Earth. While governments should respect the rules and customs that have arisen in cyberspace, and should not stifle this new world with inefficient regulation or censorship, it is foolish to say that the public has no sovereignty over what an errant citizen or fraudulent corporation does online. As the representative of the people and the guardian of democratic values, the state has the right and responsibility to help integrate cyberspace and conventional society.

8. Understanding technology should be an essential component of global citizenship.
In a world driven by the flow of information, the interfaces -- and the underlying code -- that make information visible are becoming enormously powerful social forces. Understanding their strengths and limitations, and even participating in the creation of better tools, should be an important part of being an involved citizen. These tools affect our lives as much as laws do, and we should subject them to a similar democratic scrutiny.

This page reflecting my side situational static presence on LinkedIn Mail has some rather interesting plays.  A game to you all is what you think this is of life.

Somehow, even that the app that is installed on my phone says call recording "active/on" - The recording made between the parties involved here did not stick to a digital recall presence.

Rest Assured, The Call Happened.

(619) 573-6785

Initiated a voice call to somehow give a human with less than solid morality, not that I am judging, that this human on this side being submitted to a paradox.
For the explanation given, I do not completely buy into its story told reasoning.

On LinkedIn, a member by the quite interesting id specified as "Makta Pond", hits a human in a sideways slant ---the uniqueness of its creation -- intentionally named.
Names are names and I know that.  This one is not a human name but a name for something technically created. -- An Ideal, A Concept, A Memetics Presence.

The Executive Director of a mission work housing assistance presence on LinkedIn --- just pressed "Accept" Connection - without looking, reading, and seeing.
I know that what I have done here is caught you off guard.  You will not admit it.  No, you won't see the flaw here --- to have created and continue something deceptive.

A dismissal once more [ you might want to reflect on the positions of my next text submission into the record -- gone to this bias of oblivion -- blocked for no good reason,
in the element that I don't buy your reasoning. [ but it was made on a call recording that was lost ].

For these truths are self-evident -- these conditions of oppressive forces written -- 
You all are just slaves to your predictability.  
There is an emoji for that did you know?  ðŸ”®

A future expression of a voice conversation, that the human who did this action does not carry [ hold and bind ] connections to people who she does not know.

Ok lets go with that flow for this moment.

Note -- really note -- the address bar in this image


Note this is a local copy of this file -- and its referenced folder organized filing.

3 mutual connections --- I wonder if I should ask them --- [ I won't -- for the condition here in place is self-evident ]

do you know Jennifer Litak in a manner of actual interpersonal relations?

Seriously - we have all lots ourselves in detachment rather than connection humanity.

She knows all of these 500+ connections personally -- as such was the reasoning for blocking me.

So what is truly the working world professional standard here?

I will tell you something about who I am.  As I am James Martin Driskill

A story to made something different happen -- then the community hate by the leaders and directors of

social services --- to engage a completely insane illegal process of violations of my right of due-process

to be punitively placed onto locks, stocks  -- on my knees --- butt up --- face out --- to be publically 

pummeled by passerby strangers by rotten tomatoes -- hated -- chastised in the center of town,

unable to control my fate -- why I am there in the first place -- or to the harm it does onto my

public persona carrying on from that day.

The modern equalizing of such description is that I, the human writing these words, 

I am a targeted Individual of #Gangstalking.  Documented since 2005 -- not an invisible cloak -- it is self-evident.

But your Executive Director of "Housing With Merit" --- Jennifer Litwak may not know me by direct name,

by her having continued focus and passing a blacklist shunning of persons in our society.

Again the old way of hating on others among us for the differences that are not malice forces. 

Quite the contrary, I am one most benevolent soul at heart.

What I have bared witness and hate directed at me --- most would have already taken themselves away

by suicide. Because what is before you here -- is the pathway intentionally disturbed of reasoning,

The pathway I continue to ride --- an eventual evidential suicide.   A setup structure intentionally placed in my way.

All of these are techniques enabled and allowed in this culture -- to be able to hate on others, 

When Ms. Litwak encountered the first part of my communications to her, in a logical stated process,

taking there should be a fresh clean slate -- no bias -- impartial -- disinterestedness.

The action made --- By pure name matching alone ---- Housing on Merit ---

As is from my side, an adult consent thought and practices school in my LinkedIn profile,

I made the ISSUANCE of 3 merits.

So that just goes to oblivion?

She actually took out a knife and slashed through my heart - for presenting a democracy ideal.

This is not a democracy - it is an idiocracy -- I proclaim fault on your side -- not my side of attempt.

I did not create this graphic -- the graphic exists --- I am using again here.

Give the merit and demerit of democracy.jpg

This offense is valued at 4 demerits --- ISSUED IMMEDIATELY!

Swipe me away == a fly in your parade-= Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me.


THESE ACTIONS AT FIRST GLANCE DISMISSALS -- from the knowledge that the first writing

attempt to Jennifer Litwak on LinkedIn --- a connection she approved --  has hit in her mind --- a meme.

That meme tells her, based on her beliefs --  is to be avoided at all cost --- 

For what CAUSES this within her -- is for her to know --- I just know it is not right and the source of it

HATEFUL -- HARMFUL -- a condition tolerated in this country --

OF DECEPTIONS, LIES, CHEATS, and STEALS are the underlying theme here from your side.


In the voice call to Ms. Litwik today,

I relate -- "I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life"  -- In a natural state of a human progressive society,

where the majority of us around, basically of "US" [ Themed Below ] are the same.

My only truly mortal enemy in a true democracy would be -- who?  

The answer is plain to see [ it is self-evident taking the day to day -- week to week - month by month - year to year - live life journal into an account ].

The mortal enemy of my eventual suicide demise would have to be those who have to protect themselves from the truth they know they hold in secret

from getting into the public view ---  from persons that do not have a moral compass -- to not lie, to not cheat, and to not steal their way through life.


This next section are Snippets From Linkedin Inmail Part 2 --  you are blocking from your #SocialResponsibility in these regards.

To tell me --- shoo fly don't bother me.  I am begging on my human hands and knees for you to find the time and compassion to help me correct a huge mistake of social society -- an injustice of huge degrees of wrong --- and not one of you will step into the light with my human owner and walk to talk with him --- and to support him to tear down this wall of conspiracy. Meme Share 1: SOS - Is Unfriending [ or disconnecting ] on Social Media A Good Idea? ---- Can I give you 3 merits into the credit balance --- if you do the right thing here?

There Will Be Demerits To A Placement On The Web That I know No One With Sane Sense Of Rational Thinking Would Allow Themselves To Be Put Into A Position To Remain There SHINING AND GLOWING in Surface Web Indexed Visibility -- HTTP:// But There They Are -- As Each Of These People Associated To This "Intractable Conflict" Where Given Notice To Their Placement there --- Everyone Remains Silent Not Yet Listed is Bill Hirsh, Executive Director of Aids Legal Referral Panel.  The Invisibility Of This Cloak Is Not So Invisible. A Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck Mess - Unbelievable at First Show --- But Reality None The Less.

THIS IS A VALID URL -- Your Real Full Real Legal Name Will BE Included To This Character Listing -- For the public to make their own conclusion.

I am not going to coerce your assistance to help me --- the writing here ---  will be placed online public retrievable ---

you know hits you with a bell of truth -- or not.

As Plato Says It    [  Silence Gives Consent ]

Mark Twain Writes:

"The Truth Hurts - But Silence Kills"


The Voice Call That Occured Earlier --- Conclusion With Human Speaker James Martin Driskill Reading Text here.

The intention was to place it into the record of a call recording that did not get stored.

There is a place that all of this to be filed -- this is an active present defined folder 

Truly Ms. Litwak, as professional as it might seem --- your actions done against me are most unprofessional. 

You keep your true heart unknown -- for there is freedom here.  But that freedom to dismiss this challenge of your

mind here -- do you really want this to remain a filed statement of our shared legacy -- and you allow it to be there

unanswered to the defining silence calling for a response of some kind of orderly conduct.

My philosophy belief here outstanding 

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword.

It was nice talking with you --- Dialing 211, not the reference that calls your mission into action on these 

circumstances -- I am being singled out --- on discriminatory grounds -- I claim fault!

I will give you a week to respond before this writing -- with the file attachments available to open by the public [ open web presence ]

affixed onto this public record archive of this truth record placed onto the domain referenced URL.

There is no mistaken confused soul you can say you are.  You would

rather not rock the boat --- this boat needs to be turned over and sunk.  I expect your reply to be wisdom wise honest.

043-Kramobone [qr].png


There has to be a stop to this hate!




I really had high hopes that your non-profit would have had the merit to be different.

But you are not --- the likelihood for which I state it --- If not for this virus crisis holding us all  to

#StayHome, an expiration of April 1st has already passed by -- I have given up on this Country..

I would already be in New York at the United Nations -- RENOUNCING my United States of

America NATIONALITY to find a new COUNTRY that does not allow the HATERS who will never


The United Nations are listening,

Dspd Enable <>Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 9:21 AM
To: "Real Up Human [.net]" <>

Dear Mr. Driskill,

Thank you for your message and interest in the work of the United Nations for persons with disabilities. We regret to hear about this situation and know that still much needs to be done to address the rights of persons with disabilities, everywhere.

The implementation of the Convention is monitored by a group of independent experts known as the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Optional Protocol to the Convention gives the Committee competence to examine individual complaints with regard to alleged violations of the Convention by States parties to the Protocol. The Petitions Unit of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) handles all communications submitted under Optional Protocols of human rights treaty bodies. More information is available through their website, at or you may wish to write to them directly at

We look forward to a timely resolution of the situation.


Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Division for Social Policy and Development
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations
Mailing address: United Nations, S-2914, New York, NY 10017


Find out more about the work of the United Nations
for persons with disabilities:

Subscribe to the UN Enable Newsletter 



  • Makta Pond  5:05 PM

    Etiquette:   [ A text of public domain considerations - Unsigned ] Let us please take a moment, on each side of this chat conversation window exchange.  Please take your mobile device if that is what you are using right now to read these words into your mind.  Please go and sit in a quiet room alone with no other persons around.  Please do not rush this reflection upon our day. That being to place the focus of the relationship you have established to a non-living thing.    Really seriously @Bill Hirsh, Cheif Executive Officer of the AIDS Legal Referal Panel if still located in the City of San Francisco California from 2006. That back yesteryear of 2006, when the parties involved here first had created the connection and relationships which cannot just be shoo fly don't bother me away. For in all real truisms as seriously as our sunken hearts of sadness, sorry, to a possible madness worry in this panic we all have inside that we can't let out to its very possible but not probable incidence, becoming sick with an infection of something so small --- the true enemy of our moments to hours to days and beyond. That enemy that brings death and destruction across this land, this as we reflect seriously on our standings here in this chat. Is this just a fleeting moment that all will be a-ok fine tomorrow, next week, the week after that, or the months coming through as massive casualties occur beyond our direct visions eyesight?  We just turn ourselves off to the realities of what is gurgling in those over there.  They are of their emotions extreme, suffering extreme, and pain extreme, truly abound and around all around us?  Us not being the "us" of just you and I. No that is not Us", I say.  It is us, us all, all of a global expansion of everyone who is human in the sea of humanity spread across the entire planet Earth. An exception of all, think it out, to the men and women astronauts of the International Space Station. They somehow have been left out to be in a protected space. Wow, ain't that rad. Of us, who will not be here among the living, in the next hour, day, week, and months passing us from this most wretched second time now reflecting "Us" passing. Of us, more close to our mind's heartfelt holding of thought, for sure the "Us" as we are members of the citizenry of the country of The United States of America.  That is the "Us" that I speak of here.  Do you really have me individually in view of that "Us"? I know true that for the writing of words here --- I have great concern, care, and hope for "Us".  That "Us" that defines it for this chat simple-minded with hidden agendas obviously reflecting their presence. Something Wicked This Way Comes. Something Wicked This Way Done. This chat happening now of the "Us" that simply stated As just "You and Me". Will you be following as a ghost or present as being  of an etiquette... "Us".  End.

9 attachments
Screenshot 2020-04-09 at 4.19.33 PM - Display 1.png
Give the merit and demerit of democracy.jpg
043-Kramobone [qr].png